Beauty is a lifestyle choice

Category: Cosmetic Surgery News

Acne Scarring – Deep Wrinkle Reduction

Treatment Benefits of Venus Viva Decreases visible signs of acne scarring Evens out skin tone and texture Controls pigmentation lesions Tightens lax skin Diminishes visible pores Reduces fines lines and deep wrinkles Resurfaces the skin around the eyes A series of treatments at 2-4 week intervals is recommended for optimal correction; the number of treatments…

Wine’s RoleIn Anti-Aging

Harvest is in full swing in Sonoma County and Napa, so in observance of this exciting time, we’re shining a spotlight on the almighty grape! Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant that has a reputation as a longevity molecule. Red wine is a rich source of resveratrol, but does it have any benefits applied topically? Mathilde…

April Newsletter

Easy and effective ways to get bikini ready in 4 weeks With summer right around the corner, it’s time to think about shedding those winter layers and slipping into something that shows more skin. If the thought of baring all terrifies you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. As the countdown to the bathing suits and shorts begins, we are here to help you…