Beauty is a lifestyle choice

Arm Lift Lift Photos – Before & After

David E. Marcus, M.D. can perfrom your Arm Lift as well as many other body contouring procedures at our Santa Rosa Cosmetic and Laser Surgey Center. The before and afer photos of our Brachioplasty patients should help you visualize anticipated results.

Arm Lift Patient 1

This patient is fairly typical of the patients who present to our Santa Rosa Cosmetic center looking for help with their arms. This characteristic has a strong family genetic predisposition. During our consultation, we will help you will decide which option for correction best suits your goals. This particular patient did not mind scars, so a full brachioplasty, excising skin, was a great choice for her.

Arm Lift Procedure

Brachioplasty Patient – Santa Rosa

This is a 75 year old Santa rosa woman who presented to our Cosmetic Plastic Surgery office in Santa Rosa very unhappy with the appearance of her arms. She found herself avoiding any top that showed her arms. Further, she couldn’t even fit many tops over her arms. We performed a brachioplasty with aggressive liposuction to correct her extreme defromity. This patient is obviously thrilled with the result. Scarring is present as it will be with this procedure, but it is well worth it to this patient.