Beauty is a lifestyle choice

Breast Lift Mastopexy

Childbearing, gravity, weight loss and age can cause a woman to lose breast volume and tone. A breast lift raises and reshapes loose, sagging breasts. It elevates breast tissue, removes excess breast skin, and then reshapes the remaining breast skin. If you are satisfied with the size of your breasts, but wish to restore a more youthful contour, you may be a candidate for a breast lift. If you want larger breasts, you may also want to consider having breast implants inserted at the time of your breast lift surgery.

While a breast lift can be performed at any age, it is recommended that the procedure be undertaken only when breast development has stopped. Childbirth and breastfeeding can have a significant effect on the size and shape of your breasts. Though some women decide to have their breasts lifted before having children, if you plan to breastfeed,this should be discussed at the time of the initial consultation.

Actual Santa Rosa Breast Lift Patient

If you are looking to also be larger, but your breast seem low or sagging, then an augmentation with simultaneous lift may the procedure for you. View more breast lift before & after photos.

In assessing you as a candidate for breast lift surgery, Dr. Marcus will carefully evaluate the size and shape of your breasts, the quality of your skin, and the placement of your nipples and areolas. If you are overweight, Dr. Marcus may suggest that you stabilize your weight before having surgery.

There are variations to incisions used for breast lift surgery. Occasionally, when only a minor lift is required, the surgery can be performed having only an incision on the upper half of the areola. The traditional method of lifting the breast, however, usually uses three incisions: one around the areola, the second vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease under the breast, and the third along the natural curve of the breast crease.

In a standard breast lift, after skin has been removed, the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position. Skin that was located above the nipple pre-surgery is pulled down and together to give a new shape to the breast. If you consider your breasts to be too large, breast tissue and fat may also be removed with the skin. Liposuction may also be employed to contour under the arm. If you want larger breasts, breast implants can be inserted at the time of your breast lift surgery.

There are seldom complications from this surgery. However, some of the possible complications include bleeding and infection. Also the breasts may not be symmetrical or nipple height may vary after surgery. Because nipples and areolas remain attached to the breast tissue, sensation in this area is usually preserved. While breastfeeding may still be possible, this cannot be guaranteed.

Several days after surgery you will be able to move about comfortably. You will be instructed to wear a support bra for a few weeks until the swelling and discoloration of your breasts diminishes. Incisions will be red at first and may remain that way for many months, but should eventually lighten.

After breast surgery, it is often possible to return to work within the first week. Often normal activities can be resumed after two to three weeks. You may, however, continue to experience some mild discomfort and swelling during the first several weeks.

In a standard breast lift, after skin has been removed, the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position. Skin that was located above the nipple pre-surgery is pulled down and together to give a new shape to the breast. If you consider your breasts to be too large, breast tissue and fat may also be removed with the skin. Liposuction may also be employed to contour under the arm. If you want larger breasts, breast implants can be inserted at the time of your breast lift surgery.

Breast lifts are often desired to restore a more youthful appearance to the breast. It will raise and recontour loose, sagging breasts.

2-4 hours.

Local anesthesia with sedation is required when performing a breast lift procedure at our Santa Rosa, CA cosmetic surgery center.

In most cases, one week is sufficient.