Beauty is a lifestyle choice

Breast Augmentation – Lift

As you embark on your journey to improve the appearance of your breasts, the question of, “Do I also need a Lift” enters the picture.

My philosophy is that less is better. We introduce extra scars for the lift only when absolutely necessary. Although the final decision about lift or not requires a consultation with Dr. Marcus, there are some guidelines we can introduce that may help you evaluate your situation.

If you want to be larger, an implant is needed.

If you like your size, but the breasts seem saggy, then a lift can return your breasts to a more youthful position.

Breast Augmentation – Lift Patient

If you are looking to be larger, even by a bit, but your breast seem to be low or sagging, then a then an augmentation with simultaneous lift may be the procedure for you.

 Do you need a lift?

Place a ruler or pencil under the fold of your breast and see if the nipples are above or below this line. If the nipples are below your fold, then a lift is usually required. Otherwise, the nipples will always appear low. An oversized implant will not solve this alone. I have done many revisions on patients from other Plastic Surgeons who tried this. A complimentary consultation with Dr. Marcus will help you understand these issues and help you to decide what is the best option for your situation. Again, this is why a consultation is needed to evaluate your particular situation.

Women are rightfully afraid of lifts. However, I have found that the scars are usually excellent and in the end, the shape and size of your breasts are what is most important.

Breast augmentations – lifts are performed to increase the size and enhance the shape of the breasts.

The length of a breast augmentation-lift procedure varies, but generally takes from 2-4 hours..

Local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia are typically utilized when performing a breast augmentation procedure at our Santa Rosa, CA cosmetic surgery center.

In most cases, one week is sufficient.